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Danby Portable Dishwasher - Compact and Convenient!

Danby is one of the largest household marketing companies in North America. Fulfilling the niche in compact appliances, Danby makes some very nice portable dishwashers. From countertop models to slim 18" portables, there is a Danby portable dishwasher to match a variety of living situations. (RV's, Boats, Small Apartments, Inns, Dormitories, Offices)

Danby portables:

Countertop: For the smallest of spaces, a countertop model is a very good option. Danby makes a portable countertop dishwasher: DDW396 that can accommodate 4 place settings. The interior is stainless steel and it includes a large dish rack and silverware basket. Being only 17" high, with microwave styling, this compact machine will easily fit under most cupboards. However, keep in mind that if you need to wash a lot of dishes, this appliance may be too small. Instead consider another portable, the 18" model. Find a Danby at

18 inch: Two Danby 18" portable models are available, one is black the other is white (# DDW1805). See our information about portable dishwashers, as you will find that where cost is concerned, 18" models tend to cost as much as inexpensive 24" built in models. However, if you have space issues, this appliance may be worth the price.

Danby's 18" Portable Style Dishwasher features:

  • 8 standard place settings
  • 7 Wash Programs
  • Energy Star Compliant
  • Adjustable upper Dish Rack
  • Quiet Operation

Also see; countertop dishwashers

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